
Negril By Far has the best beaches in Jamaica and every night there is a party! If you enjoy live music and tranquil beach then Negril is the place for you.

Rick’s Cafe in Negril is a well-known Jamaican hangout. It’s a bar and restaurant, but most people come for the heart-stopping cliff jumping and breathtaking sunsets!  It is located at the top of a 35-foot high cliff on Jamaica’s far west end and has some of the best, uninterrupted sunsets in the world!

If you arrive before sunset, your focus will undoubtedly be on the people jumping off the highest cliff (35 feet). There will be both men and women of various fitness levels making it look easy. However, take it from me. It’s NOT as simple as it appears!

For one thing, I believe those who make it look easy are intoxicated. I’ve only jumped from the highest cliff once in all my visits to Rick’s Cafe! And not again!

Time stops when your foot leaves the ground at the cliff’s edge. For at least 20-30 seconds, I felt like I was falling. I kept wondering, “Why haven’t I gotten to the water yet!”

I felt as if I had jumped out of a plane, with everything inside me rushing up to my neck! I can only imagine the expression on my face. Terrifying Horror! Then, for some reason, I began to worry that I was leaning too far forward and about to do the fiercest belly-flop in history.  So I began flailing and flapping my arms wildly!

I’m sure the spectators thought it was hilarious. But I thought this was the end! How in the world did I persuade my legs to jump? After seeing my entire life flash before my eyes, my feet finally touched the water, and the place fell silent. I blinked open my eyes to see if I was still alive.  I won’t ever do that again!


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