Bermuda Beaches 

Bermuda Beaches are Absolutely Breathtaking!!

So which one do you choose from the 34 fabulous beaches in Bermuda that together offer some 75 miles of dramatic coastline? All of them are so unique and beautiful in their own ways! Over the past many years, we have spent long hours at each one of those wonderful beaches. Some have long expanses of sand, while some are just tiny coves separated from one another by rocky cliffs, and several beaches have beautiful coral reefs surrounding them. And Bermuda’s sand looks pink. Is that true? Yes! Why? Because red tiny organisms grow under the coral reefs and die on the ocean floor. These along with bits of corals and shells get washed up, get mixed with sands and create a pink hue. And that makes the sand look pink in color. The South Shore has the best pink sandy beaches.

Elbow Beach

The calm water here makes it great for swimming and snorkeling.

Jobson's Cove

This is a wonderful small & secluded cove with a beach surrounded by steep cliffs.

Horseshoe Bay

Consistently Ranked Amongst the Top Beaches of the World!!

Tobacco Bay

Great for snorkeling and you get fascinating view of the colorful marine life along with corals.

Warwick Long Bay

Another Wonderful South Shore Beach & Relatively Secluded.

Hot Island Spots


